Dr. Manish Kumar (born 1977) is an Indian physicist, motivator & entrepreneur. His research interests involve 'Materials for Energy- & Bio-applications'.
After receiving his doctoral degree in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, he worked as Research Associate (at Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi during 2009-12), as Assistant Professor (at Central University of Rajasthan during 2012-14) and as Research Professor (at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon-South Korea during 2014-17). Later he worked for an industry 'I.NanoEnergy' (Porto, Portugal, during 2017-18), and was associated with Institute of Physics of Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology and Photonics, University of Porto, Portugal.
Since Oct. 2017, he is Founder, Chairman and Managing Director of 'Organisation for Science Innovation and Research', an India based non-profitable science organization working in the area of science, education and innovations specific to the needs of Rural India. He is also the founder Director of 'Global School of Science', a unique science themed school started in 2019.
He has authored and co-authored more than 70 research articles in leading peer reviewed international journals and conferences. He has two Patents for the invention of triboelectric nanogenerators. Among his other inventions, thermoelectric measurement instrument and specific triboelectric properties measurement instrument, high throughput plasma sputtering sources, economic antibacterial coatings, transparent conductive coatings, plasmonic coatings are few to be noted.
He is member of Material Research Society and life member of Materials Research Society of India. He is an editorial board member of SN Applied Sciences (of Springer-Nature) and has served as Guest Editor in MRS Advances. He is also an active reviewer for major journals series i.e. Nature, Wiley, RSC, Elsevier, Springer etc. Beside these, he is also a founder of fusion band 'DREAMWEAVERS' (founded in year 2005) and professional FIDE rated chess player and FIDE Senior National Arbiter.
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